51% of Avid Sports Watchers Would Ditch Cable for Disney+ Bundles Live Sports

July 2024 · 1 minute read

An Aug. 15-18 Morning Consult/The Hollywood Reporter poll found that 29 percent of all adults would be more likely to cancel their cable subscription if they could watch live sports events through the Disney+ bundle. That share jumped to 51 percent among those who watched sports at least several times a week. 

The overall poll’s margin of error is 2 percentage points. The margin of error for the frequent sports viewers sample is 5.9 percent.

Daniel Cohen, senior vice president of global media rights consulting for the sports and entertainment agency Octagon, said that while live sports and news are “the glue that holds the cable bundle together,” these numbers reflect “how quickly sports consumption habits are changing” in the United States and throughout the world. Sports broadcasters, Cohen added, have been preparing for the change. 

“I don't think there's a major sports broadcaster that doesn't have an OTT offering at this point, and is not contemplating how they're going to go to market with an even greater bundle offering,” he said.
