China: Store Sells Tojo Ice Cream To Mark WW2 Anniversary

September 2024 · 1 minute read

September 2, 2015 5:44 AM EDT

A Chinese ice cream company has launched a controversial creation to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II and China’s war against Japan.

The Shanghai chain store has released 3-D printed ice creams depicting the face of Japan’s wartime Prime Minister General Hideki Tojo, complete with glasses and mustache, reports the state-run China Daily.

The ice creams cost 30 yuan ($4.70) each and the store has made 10,000 in the likeness of Tojo, who was convicted of war crimes and executed in 1948.

The ice cream has received mixed reviews from people on Chinese social media.

“Doesn’t the thought of putting an evil man’s head in your mouth make you feel sick?” said one user on the Chinese social network Weibo, according to a translation by the BBC.

“It’s hilarious, but I have always thought that phase of history isn’t fit for consumption,” said another.

China will commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II with a huge military parade in Beijing on Sept. 3.
