She's Only a Little Schoolgirl

September 2024 · 5 minute read

I started doing Enjo Kosai my second year of high school. On most of my dates, I had sex. That’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever done — meeting someone for the first time and screwing him the same day.

I was going to school like usual but I was bored and had no money. My boyfriend, the guy I lost my virginity to, had just broken up with me. I wouldn’t do enjo kosai if I had a boyfriend. Losing him was really rough. So I just left a message about myself on a cyber message board and chose a sex partner from the guys who wrote back. It wasn’t hard. Guys who want sex and dinner, guys who just want sex, guys who just want dinner — they’re all out there. They leave messages like, “Any girl who will have sex for 50,000 yen [$420] send a message here,” and stuff like that. I just had to say that I was a high school girl, you know?

So guys wrote back their age or just, like, “Let’s have dinner.” I chose guys based on their age and occupation. This guy I met at Kyoto Station, he and I wrote back and forth for a week before we met. He was practically an e-mail friend. I told him when I was free and he told me when he was free, and we just decided from there. He chose the price.

It was autumn so it was kinda chilly. I don’t remember which day it was, but it was definitely a weekday because I went to school first. I got out at 3:30 p.m. then went home. I wear a school uniform and loose socks to school, so I had to change. Then I went to the station. I didn’t do anything special to prepare for the date, I just went. We must have met around 6 p.m., in front of the ticket stalls. I used my cell phone to figure out who he was. He was wearing a gray suit. When I first saw him I thought, “Yep. He looks his age. He’s a total salaryman.”

We started talking. I asked him what he does at his job and he asked me about my school and what I do in my spare time. We just chatted. He had a white sedan and he drove us to some boring Italian place, I don’t remember where. I had spaghetti, it wasn’t expensive or anything. Then we went to a love hotel to have sex. He chose the hotel, it was in Minamiinta, Yamashina, off a toll road. It was just a normal place and he picked the room.

We just kinda carried on a regular conversation in the room. I mean we didn’t talk about sex or anything. I took a bath first, alone. While I was in the tub, he took off his clothes. Then we did it. I used a condom so I wouldn’t get pregnant. Afterward we agreed that it had gotten late, so he said, “I’ll give you a lift.” So he drove me to the station and that’s when he paid me. I got 50,000 yen — 50,000 or 60,000, I can’t remember.

I didn’t get a gift from him but most guys pay some sort of tribute to me. Guys always pay homage. But all the guys who wanted to screw me were old! Like, in their 30s. And none of them was attractive. One guy gave me a Gucci ring but I didn’t keep it. Using it was gross! I sold it and spent the money on snowboarding. I bought lots of cute accessories and went on snowboarding trips. I’m actually going on a trip this weekend to Shiga Kogen, with my older brother’s friends.

I didn’t even know there was a law against enjo kosai. No one but me knew what I was doing so I thought it was O.K. It’s not like I told my friends about it or anything. Enjo kosai’s not something my friends and I talk about. I have no idea if any of them are doing it or have done it. To this day only five or six people know about me doing it. My parents definitely don’t know — they would be pissed off. They’d think that I’m shameless.

I stopped doing enjo kosai after a while. When I did it, all I was thinking was that it’s only for today so it doesn’t matter. Stuff like, “No problem, don’t worry that it’s not someone you like.” At the time I didn’t think that I was doing anything bad, but now I think it was bad.

So I don’t go shopping as much as I used to, even though I love Gucci’s new stuff. I used to wear kogal fashion too, but not anymore. Now I have a part-time job in a Japanese inn serving breakfast and stuff but I also know some store managers here in town that give me day jobs, so I make about 30,000-40,000 yen a month. My dad gave me this Louis Vuitton purse. Yeah, it’s small, but it’s a brand name. I manage to save a little money. Very little.

Usually I go out with my friends, doing karaoke. I hang out here in Kyoto because my hometown is totally dead. Everything closes by 12 a.m. and there’s, like, nothing to do. I don’t eat dinner at home, I just go out with friends instead. O.K., maybe like four times a week. If I don’t have to work, I’ll go out drinking. My parents know that I drink but they don’t care — I don’t have a curfew or anything.

I’m the middle kid in my family. When I was little I wanted to become a housewife. Now I don’t know what I want to do in the future. I just graduated from high school though. And I passed the college entrance exam so I’m going to go to a local college. I’m still going to live at home.

I’ve never talked with my parents or teachers about sex, are you kidding? My friends and I don’t really talk about sex either. I’ve had sex with seven people, and that includes the guys I’ve actually liked.
