What Are Shower Onions? The TikTok Trend Explained

August 2024 · 3 minute read

TikTok users are super confused after seeing onions referred to as "shower onions" on the app, but what are they and what do they do?

Chrissy Bobic - Author

There will come a day when you ask how far is too far with TikTok trends. Luckily, that day is not today, even if there is now a trend involving something called shower onions. Yes, you read that correctly.

For some inexplicable reason, shower onions are all over TikTok and those who have no clue about what they are have been struggling to figure out if they're real or part of some TikTok prank conspiracy.

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As we all know, TikTok breathes life into trends like it's nobody's business. And, while some of them end up being more harmful than others, there are those TikTok trends that are actually fun or useful. Surprisingly enough, the shower onion trend is one of them. No, it doesn't involve eating onions in the shower or even washing your body with them, and the explanation kind of makes sense.

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What are shower onions on TikTok?

One of the first shower onion videos on TikTok showed a user checking her new boyfriend's bathroom to make sure everything was on par with proper hygiene. She approved of his soaps, medicine cabinet contents, and general cleanliness. Then, she made note of the bowl of what she called "shower onions" on the back of his toilet and she seemed absolutely giddy at the thought of them being right there.

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Shower onions aren't a midnight snack meant to tide you over when you run to the bathroom, though. Instead, they are deodorizers! 

According to TikTok, people have bowls of onions in their bathrooms in order to combat any smells that they might not be able to get out if their bathroom happens to be poorly ventilated or doesn't have a window.

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You definitely shouldn't eat them, should you find shower onions in a bathroom, though. Because these are meant to absorb smells and often remain unpeeled, you probably won't be able to smell the onions themselves. But they are also taking in every little particle in the air, and eating onions that have been sitting near the toilet just isn't a good idea.

Shower onions were actually a thing before TikTok discovered them.

TikTok might have been the first place you heard about the shower onion, but the idea was around before a few users posted about it.

It's sort of like putting sliced lemons or orange peels in your garbage disposal to get rid of rank odors. Putting onions in your bathroom is one of those little housekeeping tricks that have been around for a while.

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Apparently "shower onions" are a thing in america?? It's to absorb odor, and ppl put them in a basket above their toilet so not sure why they are called shower onions....

— Meow (@creates_sparkle) February 23, 2021

Some people claim you should slice the onions before putting them in your bathroom, but it looks like others place whole onions in a bowl or other dish in their bathrooms for the same results. You are supposed to remove said onions after a day or two, though, and you should toss them out as soon as you do.

Overall, the shower onions on TikTok may be one of the most harmless trends yet, as long as no one decides to start eating them.
